Together, we can make life more affordable & restore economic security 
Together, we can keep our communities safe and strong
We can build a better Minnesota

ECONOMY: Make Minnesota Affordable Again

Rising costs have made life unaffordable for too many Minnesotans. In Congress, my top priority will be creating an economy that works for all Minnesotans.

My priorities:
 Cut wasteful federal spending
Increase access to clean and affordable energy
Reduce taxes
 Create high-paying jobs 

IMMIGRATION: Safe and Strong Communities 

Our immigration system must put the safety and welfare of American families first. Under the current open-border policies, human trafficking is flourishing, fentanyl is killing young adults, and public institutions like hospitals, schools, and shelters are stressed and strained.

My priorities:  
 Secure the Northern and Southern Borders 
Update our immigration system to prioritize safety and security -Support immigration reform that takes into account burden to taxpayers, need for workers and humanitarian goals


These tough economic times are particularly challenging for seniors and people living on fixed incomes. Seniors must know they can rely on Social Security and access high-quality health care through Medicare.

My priorities:  
 Eliminate taxes on Social Security
Safeguard Social Security Benefits
Preserve access to doctors and high-quality health care under Medicare

ENVIRONMENT: Protect Our Natural Resources & Green Spaces  

The Third District has many beautiful lakes and green spaces that should be enjoyed and preserved. I have a long history of protecting the environment as a legislator and Hennepin County Commissioner.

My priorities:
Support new parks and trails while working to preserve the existing system
 • Work to ensure clean air and water are available to all
 • Support the development of clean, reliable, and affordable energy sources

CRIME: Support Law Enforcement & Create Safer Neighborhoods 

Minnesota, particularly the Twin Cities, has paid an enormous price for the anti-police rhetoric that has plagued our cities in recent years. One of the best investments we can make in our communities is to give our police the support and respect they need along with a fair and impartial criminal justice system.

My priorities:
• Increase penalties for those who harm law enforcement officers
• Ensure officers are granted proper immunity for actions in their official capacity
• Support early intervention for our youth

VETERANS: Support Our Heroes 

As a veteran, I understand and will advocate for the best interests of those who serve our country. Keeping our promises to our veterans will always be a top priority. 

My priorities:
Ensure a robust VA Health System that provides timely, high-quality care
• Increase access to housing, mental health services, and drug addiction treatment
• Support programs that provide education, employment, and transition services for people leaving the military

HEALTHCARE: High-Quality Care, Affordable Coverage

The United States has some of the world's highest healthcare costs, yet the nation's health lags behind that of many Western countries. It is time to modernize our system and make it more affordable for all Americans. 

 My priorities:  
Update health care system reflect and report actual costs
 Increase access to information on preventative care and treatment options
Increase access and awareness of mental health and addiction treatment

EDUCATION: Invest in our Future  

Excellence in education is the ultimate goal, with focus on core curriculum. We need greater student success, better options for kids and parents, and increased support for teachers and staff.

My priorities:
Increase school choice options for families
Improve school safety, including investments in school resource officers and facility improvements
Help lower the cost of college and expand access to the trade and other skills-based programs
Increase local control working together with parents and teachers, not Federal bureaucrats 

ISRAEL: Support Our Allies  

Israel has been the United States reliable strategic partner for over half a century. Sadly, the October 7th attack on Israel significantly increased tensions in the Middle East, and we are seeing those tensions spill over into the United States. I stand against antisemitism and support Israel’s right to defend itself.

My priorities:  
Work to return US citizens held hostage by Hamas
• Support Israel's right to exist and defend itself
• Stand against antisemitism at home